Jumat, 01 Juni 2012


Source: www.localgroup.net/article/art.html


For tens of thousands art has been a unique form of expression and communication among people. Art was intermixed with the development of written language during the early days writing. Art also enabled man to express him self in a way that is not available through the spoken or written word.

What is the psychological role that art plays in human life? Why do people search the world of art and pay upwards of one million dollars for single work of art? The answer is that art provide pleasure and inspiration to its beholder.

People attend to concert, view a play, observe a sculpture, or read a novel with the implicit goal of experiencing a sense of pleasure or even awe. In this case, art can be said to satisfy the soul the way a delicious meal satisfies the stomach or the way the massage satisfies muscle. People from all over the world in all over different cultures produce and observe art in this various forms of the delight, inspiration, and pleasure it provides.

Unique = Khas/Unik
Intermix = Mencampur
Pleasure = Kesenangan
Inspiration = Inspirasi
Beholder = Pemirsa
Attend = Menghadiri
Concert = Konser
Sculpture = Seni pahat/ukir
Observe = Mengamati
Delight = Kesenangan

True of False:
1. Art is unique form of expression and communication among people ( ... ).
2. Art disabled people to express their feeling and emotion. ( ... )
3. Sometimes people spending much money only for art, because they want to get pleasure and inspiration. (  ... )
4. Art can make human feel satisfy. ( ... )
5. Many people in this world observe art for the pleasure. ( ... )


Source: http://suite101.com/article/the-psychology-of-music-a45967

The Psychology of Music

Studies indicate that music can have profound physical and psychological effects not only on people but also on animals and plants.

Research into the effects of music on behavior, intelligence, learning, pain tolerance and health have generated a number of interesting findings. This article describes the results of some of the more intriguing experiments and studies

Music, Mice and Madness
A student named David Merrill devised an experiment to discover how music would affect the ability of mice to learn new things. Merrill had one group of mice listen to classical music 24 hours a day and another to heavy metal music. He then timed the mice as they ran through mazes to see if the music affected their speed of learning. Unfortunately, he had to cut the first experiment short because the heavy metal mice all killed one another. In a second experiment, mice that listened to Mozart for 10 hours a day dramatically improved their maze-solving abilities, while the heavy metal mice actually became worse at solving mazes than they had been at the beginning of the experiment.

Music, Intelligence and Learning
According to the Association for Psychological Science, intelligence test scores grew higher in children who took lessons in keyboarding or singing. In another study, boys between the ages of 6 and 15 who took music lessons scored higher on tests of verbal memory than a control group of students without musical training

Music and Pain Reduction
Researchers found that patients who listened to harp, piano, synthesizer, orchestra or slow jazz experienced less post-surgical pain than those who did not.

Music Therapy and Autism
Music therapy is particularly helpful for autistic students, who have difficulty interacting with classmates and teachers and become agitated in noisy, changeable environments. Autistic students respond very well to music therapy, which can be used to help them remain calm under stress and socialize more effectively. In addition, many autistic children have spectacular music skills.

Music and Violence
In a study of university students, participants listened to seven songs with violent lyrics, while a control group listened to seven songs without violent lyrics by the same artists. Afterwards, when asked to classify words as violent or nonviolent, those who had listened to violent lyrics were more likely to ascribe aggressive meanings to words such as “rock” and “stick.” The American Psychological Society has also published a report stating that research has definitively proved the link between youth violence and violent media, including music

Music and Suicide
On a stranger note, sociology professor James Gundlach found higher rates of suicide among those who listen to country music. However, Gundlach notes that the suicide link occurred only with older country music, which he believes is not as upbeat as today’s.

Music and Plant Health
Experiments conducted by Dorothy Retallack to learn about music's effects on plants are described in her 1973 book The Sound of Music and Plants. Retallack played rock music (Jimi Hendrix, Led Zeppelin and Vanilla Fudge) for one group of plants and jazz for another. When two weeks had passed, the jazz plants were healthy and bent toward the radio. The rock music plants grew very tall and droopy, with faded blooms, and most had died within 16 days.
Retallack tried other types of music, including country, to which the plants showed no reaction, and modern (discordant) classical music, which caused the plants to bend away from the speaker. The plants seemed to “like” Bach and North Indian sitar and tabla music.
Other people have conducted similar experiments, and some claim to have achieved similar results. However, Retallack has been criticized for using unscientific methods in her experiments.
Most music studies to date have used small sample sizes and some have not controlled for confounding variables, so although these findings are compelling, more research is required. However, given that many studies have generated similar results for certain types of music, the psychology of music is certainly worthy of further exploration.

Affect = Menyebabkan Ability = Kemampuan
Behavior = Kelakuan Agitated = Tidak tenang / gelisah
Intelligence = Kecerdasan Calm = Tenang
Experiments = Percobaan. Compelling = Memaksa
Discover = menemukan Unscientific = Tidak ilmiah

Discuss with your group and explain it.
1. Does the music give physical and psychological impact to us?
2. Do you have psychological experience when you were listening to the some music?
3. Do you agree or disagree if the music affect on behavior, intelligence, learning, pain tolerance and      health?

Reading 8

Source : http://psychology.about.com/od/sensationandperception/a/colorpsych.htm

Color Psychology
How Colors Impact Moods, Feelings, and Behaviors

"Colors, like features, follow the changes of the emotions." - Pablo Picasso

Do you feel anxious in a yellow room? Does the color blue make you feel calm and relaxed? Artists and interior designers have long understood how color can dramatically affect moods, feelings and emotions. It is a powerful communication tool and can be used to signal action, influence mood, and cause physiological reactions. Certain colors can raise blood pressure, increase metabolism, or cause eyestrain.
Of course, your feelings about color can also be deeply personal and are often rooted in your own experience or culture. For example, while the color white is used in many Western countries to represent purity and innocence, it is seen as a symbol of mourning in many Eastern countries.
Why is color such a powerful force in our lives? What effects can it have on our bodies and minds? Continue reading to further explore the history of color including how it's used, the effects it may have and some of the most recent research on color psychology.
What Is Color?
In 1666, English scientist Sir Isaac Newton discovered that when pure white light passes through a prism, it separates into all of the visible colors. Newton also found that each color is made up of a single wavelength and cannot be separated any further into other colors.
Further experiments demonstrated that light could be combined to form other colors. For example, red light mixed with yellow light creates an orange color. Some colors, such as yellow and purple, cancel each other out when mixed and result in a white light.
If you have ever painted, then you have probably noticed how certain colors can be mixed to create other colors. Marion Boddy-Evans, About.com's Guide to Painting, has an excellent overview of color theory basics including how different colors can be mixed.
Color Psychology - The Psychological Effects of Color
While perceptions of color are somewhat subjective, there are some color effects that have universal meaning. Colors in the red area of the color spectrum are known as warm colors and include red, orange and yellow. These warm colors evoke emotions ranging from feelings of warmth and comfort to feelings of anger and hostility.
Colors on the blue side of the spectrum are known as cool colors and include blue, purple and green. These colors are often described as calm, but can also call to mind feelings of sadness or indifference.
Color Psychology as Therapy
Several ancient cultures, including the Egyptians and Chinese, practiced chromotherapy, or using colors to heal. Chromotherapy is sometimes referred to as light therapy or colourology and is still used today as a holistic or alternative treatment.
In this treatment:
" Red was used to stimulate the body and mind and to increase circulation.

" Yellow was thought to stimulate the nerves and purify the body.

" Orange was used to heal the lungs and to increase energy levels.

" Blue was believed to soothe illnesses and treat pain.

" Indigo shades were thought to alleviate skin problems.
Most psychologists view color therapy with skepticism and point out that the supposed effects of color have been exaggerated. Colors also have different meanings in different cultures. Research has demonstrated in many cases that the mood-altering effects of color may only be temporary. A blue room may initially cause feelings of calm, but the effect dissipates after a short period of time.

Anxious = Cemas Experiments = Percobaan
Calm = Tenang Heal = Menyembuhkan
Eyestrain = Kelelahan mata Soothe = Menenangkan
Mourning = Berkabung illnesses = macam-macam penyakit
Affect = Mempengaruhi Alleviate = Mengurangi/Meredakan

Answer the following question with the correct answer:
1. What is color?
2. Does the color can give an impact to our moods, feelings, and behavior? And why?
3. What color which are often to describe calm?
4. What color was believed to soothe illnesses and treat pain?
5. Do you agree or disagree with all of statement in the passage above?

Reading 7


If you aren't already paralyzed with stress from reading the financial news, here's a sure way to achieve that grim state: read a medical-journal article that examines what stress can do to your brain. Stress, you'll learn, is crippling your neurons so that, a few years or decades from now, Alzheimer's or Parkinson's disease will have an easy time destroying what's left. That's assuming you haven't already died by then of some other stress-related ailment such as heart disease. As we enter what is sure to be a long period of uncertainty—a gantlet of lost jobs, dwindling assets, home foreclosures and two continuing wars—the downside of stress is certainly worth exploring. But what about the upside? It's not something we hear much about.
In the past several years, a lot of us have convinced ourselves that stress is unequivocally negative for everyone, all the time. We've blamed stress for a wide variety of problems, from slight memory lapses to full-on dementia—and that's just in the brain. We've even come up with a derisive nickname for people who voluntarily plunge into stressful situations: they're "adrenaline junkies."
Sure, stress can be bad for you, especially if you react to it with anger or depression or by downing five glasses of Scotch. But what's often overlooked is a common-sense counterpoint: in some circumstances, it can be good for you, too. It's right there in basic-psychology textbooks. As Spencer Rathus puts it in "Psychology: Concepts and Connections," "some stress is healthy and necessary to keep us alert and occupied." Yet that's not the theme that's been coming out of science for the past few years. "The public has gotten such a uniform message that stress is always harmful," says Janet DiPietro, a developmental psychologist at Johns Hopkins University. "And that's too bad, because most people do their best under mild to moderate stress."
The stress response—the body's hormonal reaction to danger, uncertainty or change—evolved to help us survive, and if we learn how to keep it from overrunning our lives, it still can. In the short term, it can energize us, "revving up our systems to handle what we have to handle," says Judith Orloff, a psychiatrist at UCLA. In the long term, stress can motivate us to do better at jobs we care about. A little of it can prepare us for a lot later on, making us more resilient. Even when it's extreme, stress may have some positive effects—which is why, in addition to posttraumatic stress disorder, some psychologists are starting to define a phenomenon called posttraumatic growth. "There's really a biochemical and scientific bias that stress is bad, but anecdotally and clinically, it's quite evident that it can work for some people," says Orloff. "We need a new wave of research with a more balanced approach to how stress can serve us." Otherwise, we're all going to spend far more time than we should stressing ourselves out about the fact that we're stressed out.
When I started asking researchers about "good stress," many of them said it essentially didn't exist. "We never tell people stress is good for them," one said. Another allowed that it might be, but only in small ways, in the short term, in rats. What about people who thrive on stress, I asked—people who become policemen or ER docs or air-traffic controllers because they like seeking out chaos and putting things back in order? Aren't they using stress to their advantage? No, the researchers said, those people are unhealthy. "This business of people saying they 'thrive on stress'? It's nuts," Bruce Rabin, a distinguished psychoneuroimmunologist, pathologist and psychiatrist at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, told me. Some adults who seek out stress and believe they flourish under it may have been abused as children or permanently affected in the womb after exposure to high levels of adrenaline and cortisol, he said. Even if they weren't, he added, they're "trying to satisfy" some psychological need. Was he calling this a pathological state, I asked—saying that people who feel they perform best under pressure actually have a disease? He thought for a minute, and then: "You can absolutely say that. Yes, you can say that."
This kind of statement might well have the father of stress research lying awake worried in his grave. Hans Selye, who laid the foundations of stress science in the 1930s, believed so strongly in good stress that he coined a word, "eustress," for it. He saw stress as "the salt of life." Change was inevitable, and worrying about it was the flip side of thinking creatively and carefully about it, something that only a brain with a lot of prefrontal cortex can do well. Stress, then, was what made us human—a conclusion that Selye managed to reach by examining rats.

Paralyzed = Lumpuh                           Worrying = Khawatir
Anger = Marah / Kemarahan.             Disease = Penyakit.
Convince = Meyakinkan.                    Researcher = Penyelidik / Petugas riset
Circumstances = Keadaan                  Under pressure = Dibawah tekanan.
Survive = Bertahan                             Medicine = Obat.

Answer the following question with the correct answer:

1.     Why stress sometimes good for us?
2.     According to this passage, who state that some stress is good?
3.      “it” in paragraph 3 line 13 refers to . . . ?
4.    What is the synonym of “worried”?
5.     Do you agree or disagree with the statement in this passage? And why?

Kamis, 31 Mei 2012

Reading 6

Source: http://www.depressionalliance.org/help-and-information/what-is-depression.php


The word 'depression' is used to describe everyday feelings of low mood which can affect us all from time to time. Feeling sad or fed up is a normal reaction to experiences that are upsetting, stressful or difficult; those feelings will usually pass.
If you are affected by depression, you are not 'just' sad or upset. You have an illness which means that intense feeling of persistent sadness, helplessness and hopelessness are accompanied by physical effects such as sleeplessness, a loss of energy, or physical aches and pains.
Sometimes people may not realize how depressed they are, especially if they have been feeling the same for a long time, if they have been trying to cope with their depression by keeping themselves busy, or if their depressive symptoms are more physical than emotional.
Here is a list of the most common symptoms of depression. As a general rule, if you have experienced four or more of these symptoms, for most of the day nearly every day, for over two weeks, then you should seek help.

o Tiredness and loss of energy
o Persistent sadness
o Loss of self-confidence and self-esteem
o Difficulty concentrating
o Not being able to enjoy things that are usually pleasurable or interesting
o Undue feelings of guilt or worthlessness
o Feelings of helplessness and hopelessness
o Sleeping problems - difficulties in getting off to sleep or waking up much earlier than usual
o Avoiding other people, sometimes even your close friends
o Finding it hard to function at work/college/school
o Loss of appetite
o Loss of sex drive and/ or sexual problems
o Physical aches and pains
o Thinking about suicide and death
o Self-harm

Mood = Suasana hati/keadaan  jiwa symptom = Gejala
Affect = Mempengaruhi Loss = Kehilangan
Sadneess = Kesedihan Suicide = Bunuh diri.
Realize = Menyadari         Avoiding = Menghindarkan
Cope = Menanggulangi Death = Kematian

Answer the following question with the correct answer:
1. What is depression?
2. Why sometimes people don’t realize if they are under depressed?
3. From the list of the most common symptoms of depression above, what will you do to solve it?

Reading 5

Sumber : http://psychcentral.com/lib/2007/five-beginning-steps-for-dealing-with-trauma/


Did you know that bad things that have happened to you in your life can cause or worsen psychiatric symptoms? More and more research confirms the strong connection between traumatic life events and psychiatric symptoms. If you feel this is true for you, medications may help you be able to do some work on this issue (you can decide about that) but there are other things you will need to do. Begin with the following:

1. When you are traumatized, you lose control of your life. You may feel like you still don’t have any control over your life. You have to take back that control by being in charge of every aspect of your life. Others, including your spouse, family members, friends and health care professionals will try to tell you what to do. Before you do it, think about it carefully. Do you feel that it is the best thing for you to do right now? If not, you should not do it. It is important that you make decisions about your own life.

2. Talk to one or more people about what happened to you. Make sure it is a person or people who understand that what happened to you is serious and that describing it over and over again to another person is part of the healing process. It should not be a person who says something like: “That wasn’t so bad;” “You should just forget about it;” “Forgive and forget;” or “You think that’s bad, let me tell you what happened to me.” You will know when you have described it enough, because you won’t feel like doing it anymore. Writing about it in your journal also helps a lot.

3. You may not feel close to anyone. You may feel like there is no one you can trust. Begin now to develop close relationships with another person. Think about the person in your life that you like best. Invite them to do something fun with you. If that feels good, make a plan to do something else together at another time, maybe the following week. Keep doing this until you feel close to this person. Then, without giving up on that person, start developing a closer relationship with another person. Keep doing this until you have close relationships with at least five people. Support groups and peer support centers are good places to meet people.

4. If you possibly can, work with a counselor or join a group for people who have been traumatized.
5. Develop a Wellness Recovery Action Plan (WRAP) so you can do what you need to stay well, and so you can effectively respond to symptoms whenever they come up.

Symptom = gejala/memperlihatkan tanda Close = Dekat
Research = Penelitian         Trust = Percaya/mempercayai
Lose = kehilangan         Relationship = Hubungan
Healing = Menyembuhkan         Possibly = Mungkin
Forgive = Memaafkan         Effectively = Secara efektif

Answer the following question with the correct answer:
1. Explain five steps for dealing with trauma above in your own words!
2. Do you agree or disagree with those 5 steps for dealing with trauma above? Explain it.
3. After you read this passage, what did you get?


                Can Divorced Partners
Be Friends Ex Friendships

 Sometimes divorced partners can be friends, depending on the circumstances. Here are some guidelines for ex friendships, or being friends with ex-wives or ex-husbands. Children may be the reason ex-wives and ex-husbands stay in touch with ex-husbands or ex-wives, but can divorced partners actually be friends? Yes, in certain circumstances -- but sometimes staying friends after divorce is harmful for everyone.

Here's how to survive a separation and divorce (without repeated calls to your divorce lawyer or mediator!Take Kim, for instance. This ex-wife spends alot of time with Brian, her ex-husband. In fact, they often discuss her relationship with her current live-in boyfriend. Nothing is off limits – not even discussions about physical intimacy – though her ex-husband draws the line at spending the night at their house.
Kim is having trouble letting go of her ex-husband - and is flirting with an emotional affair. In this case, it may not be healthy for divorced partners to be friends.
Can Divorced Partners Be Friends? Ex-Wife and Ex-Husband Friendships.Is spending time with the ex-husband harmful or helpful to Kim and her children? Even a divorce lawyer can't say for sure because depends on several factors: trust, personality, comfort level, motivation, and so on. Each situation is different.

Here are a few guidelines to help sort out whether divorced partners can be friends with ex-wives or ex-husbands (here, "spending time" means one-on-one visits for lunch, dinner, movies, walks, telephone conversations, etc.
It's Harmful for Divorced Partners to be Friends When They:
Aren't "over" the ex and still struggle with intimate feelings.
Want to re-establish an intimate relationship with the ex-wife or ex-husband.
Are with a current partner who isn't comfortable with it.
Have sex with the ex-husband or ex-wife.
Are more honest and authentic with the ex than your divorced partner (this is emotional intimacy).
Often turn to the ex-husband or ex-wife for advice and help.
Are abused by the ex-wife or ex-husband.
Fight with the divorced partner.
Have unresolved feelings, emotions, and conflicts about the divorced husband or wife.
Haven't established new friendships since separating from the divorced partner.

If you're wondering if you can be friends with your ex-husband or ex-wife, ask what your motivation for spending time with your divorced partner is. If you have healthy reasons, then spending time with your divorced partner may not be harmful.

It's Helpful for Ex-Wives and Ex-Husbands to be Friends When They:
Can be with the ex-husband or ex-wife and the current partner at the same time.
Have children with the divorced partner and share the responsibilities of raising them.
Had a strong friendship with the divorced partner when together, which is naturally continuing.
Have a platonic, nonsexual relationship with the ex-husband or ex-wife.
Are supported by the current partner.
Have appropriate boundaries that the divorced partner is comfortable with.
Divorced Partners Can Be Friends if Trust Exists

Spending time with your ex-husband or ex-wife could raise issues of trust and jealousy in the current relationship. It may be a constant reminder to your partner that you did love this person, even if it was long ago, and you shared intimate moments with them. If your partner isn't comfortable with this, then maybe it's time to let go of your ex-husband or ex-wife. After all, who's more important: your ex-spouse or your current partner?

If you can set healthy boundaries in love, then it's easier to be friends with an ex-partner.
Divorced Partners Can Be Friends if Your Current Partner is Included

The ideal way to spend time with your ex-wife or ex-husband is by involving your current partner. Once your partner sees the innocence in your friendship, her or she may be more supportive. Divorced partners can be friends when the relationship is open and healthy.

Of course, if your ex-partner abuses you or your children, it's never a good idea to spend time together! Also, make sure it's not a fear of intimacy with your current partner that's driving you to your divorced partner. Maybe you think divorced partners can be friends because you're afraid -- not because you sincerely want to be friend with your ex-spouse.
If you found Can Divorced Partners Can Be Friends? helpful, read How to Let Go of Someone You Love.You may also be interested in How Do I Deal With My Husband's Toxic Ex-Wife?

Divorce = Perceraian                                Harmful = Berbahaya
Circumstance = Keadaan sekitar.              Jeleously = Kecemburuan
Relationship = Hubungan                           Innocence = Keadaan tidak bersalah
Flirting = bercumbu-cumbuan                    Comfortable = Tidak nyaman

Answer the following question with the correct answer:
1.    According to the passage, can divorced partner be friend?
2.    What will you do if this happen to you?
3.    What will you do if this happen to your wife/husband?


Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Broken_heart


A heart symbol broken down the middle is a symbol of a broken heart.A broken heart (or heartbreak) is a common metaphor used to describe the intense emotional pain or suffering one feels after losing a loved one, whether through death, divorce, breakup, physical separation, or romantic rejection.
Heartbreak is usually associated with losing a family member or spouse, though losing a parent, child, pet, lover or close friend can all "break one's heart", and it is frequently experienced during grief and bereavement. The phrase refers to the physical pain one may feel in the chest as a result of the loss, although it also by extension includes the emotional trauma of loss even where it is not experienced as somatic pain. Although "heartbreak" ordinarily does not imply any physical defect in the heart, there is a condition known as "Takotsubo cardiomyopathy" (broken heart syndrome), where a traumatising incident triggers the brain to distribute chemicals that weaken heart tissue.

Research has shown that a broken heart hurts in the same way as pangs of intense physical pain. A 2011 study demonstrated that the same regions of the brain that become active in response to painful sensory experiences are activated during intense experiences of social rejection, or social loss generally. "These results give new meaning to the idea that social rejection 'hurts'," said University of Michigan social psychologist Ethan Kross, lead author of the article.
 The Michigan research implicates the secondary somatosensory cortex and the dorsal posterior insula. Macdonald and Leary had earlier (2005) proposed the evolution of common mechanisms for both physical and emotional pain responses, and noted that multiple languages and cultures use terms like "hurt", "heartbreak", "hurt heart" or "ripped out my heart" to describe responses to social exclusion and argue that such expressions are "more than just a metaphor".
The psychologist and writer Dorothy Rowe recounted that she thought of heartbreak as an empty cliché until she experienced it herself as an adult. Heartbreak can sometimes lead people to seek medical help for the physical symptom, and may then be related to a somatoform disorder.

The neurological process involved in the perception of heartache is not known, but is thought to involve the anterior cingulate cortex of the brain, which during stress may overstimulate to vagus nerve causing pain, nausea or muscle tightness in the chest. Eisenberger and Lieberman showed that rejection is associated with activation of the dorsal anterior cingulate cortex and right-ventral pre-frontal cortex, areas established as be involved in processing of pain (including pain experienced in others through empathy).The same researchers mention effect of social stressors on the heart, and personality on perception of pain.
Heart break = Patah hati.         Pain = Perasaan sakit / menyakitkan
Breakup = Perceraian. Rejection = Penolakan
Feel = Merasakan.         Stressors = Alat penekan
Emotional = Emosional Brain = Otak
Heartache = Pilu / Sakit hati. Personality = Kepribadian

Ansewer the following question with the correct answer:
1. What is the symbol of broken heart?
2. What is broken heart?
3. What is the cause of heart break?
4. What is the main idea of the 2nd paragraph?
5. What is the synonym of “hurt” in paragraph 3 line 15?
6. What will you say and do to your friend if they are broken heart?


Source: http://l-pawlik-kienlen.suite101.com/love-love-me-do-a12516

3 Stages of Love in Relationships

Relationships go through three stages of love: the initial feelings of lust or romantic feelings, physical attraction, and finally a deeper emotional attachment.

Reaching the final stage of love isn't just about luck or unconditional acceptance. You can reach the final stage of love with these seven tips for a healthy love life. But to be enjoyed, the three stages of love must first be understood.
What Are the Stages of Love?

The three stages of love are the same for everyone: lust or romantic feelings, physical attraction, and emotional attachment. The stages of love aren't necessarily separated by markers like anniversaries or events (such as getting married). Rather, the three stages of love blend together in one long stroke of love.

Not everyone reaches or stays in the final stage of love, which is when separation or divorce becomes the choice.

The Three Stages of Love in Relationships
Romantic feelings or lust is the first stage of love. Romantic love is driven by testosterone and estrogen. Mating is the evolutionary purpose of this stage of love; it creates strong physical attraction and sets the stage for emotional attachment. In this stage of love, endorphins soak your brain and you're immersed in intense pleasurable sensations. Your lover is perfect, ideal, made for you. In this stage of love you feel exhilarated and even "high" (similar to the feeling you get after you eat really good chocolate or have a great workout). You feel infatuated in this stage of love.

Physical attraction and power struggles make up the second stage of love (the "lovesick" phase). You may lose your appetite, need less sleep, and daydream about your lover on the bus, during meetings, in the shower. In this stage of love, dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin are racing through your body and brain. You're also trying to shape your lover into your ideal partner – which is where the power struggles come in. In this stage of relationship, you're becoming more realistic, and you two may fight about things like whether or not to buy organic food or listen to country music. The infatuation is wearing off, a strong emotional attachment begins to set in, and feelings of infatuation fade.

Emotional attachment or unconditional acceptance is the third stage of love. Emotional attachment involves commitment, partnership, and even children (a fear of intimacy prevents many from reaching this stage of love). In this stage of love, you're aware of both positive and negative traits in your partner, and you've decided you want to build a life together. Confrontation is most likely to occur in this stage of love (though if you're authentic and honest, it'll also happen in the second stage of love). You and your partner will either work towards a healthy, loving relationship or decide to call it quits.
Staying in Love

Love isn't just a vehicle that brings happiness and contentment to your life (or bitterness and pain!). Love is a living, dynamic creature that changes, grows, and needs attention -- and you must nurture it. In all three stages of love, your love reveals who you really are, in all your glory and weakness.

All stages of love can help you accept your strengths and weaknesses. All stages of love also reveal your partner's strengths and weaknesses.
7 Tips for All 3 Stages of Love:
Focus on the things you can control: your attitude, your behavior, your words, and your energy. If you want something to change in any stage of a loving relationship, make it your own traits or actions – not your partner's.
Learn healthy ways to express your disappointment, anger, or frustration. Be honest and authentic, and kind and loving in all stages of relationships.
Remember the first stage of love! Recall your feelings of lust, attraction, and desire for your partner. Think about the traits that you were attracted to, and let those old feelings come to life again.
Appreciate your partner's good qualities; be grateful for the life you share. Gratitude can enhance all stages of relationships.
Focus on emotional intimacy in all three stages of love. Be vulnerable to have a healthy love life.
Own your feelings. Your partner can't "make" you feel stupid or worthless. If you feel unfulfilled or sad about your life, look at your own dreams and goals. Are you pursuing the life you were meant to live? Are you following your heart? Develop your personality, mind, and spirit. Figure out what will make you happy in this stage of love, and start creating the life you were meant to live.
Consider counseling in any stage of love. If you've lost that loving feeling, it could be an individual thing that you need to deal with or a couples' issue that you should tackle together. An objective point of view, from a therapist, pastor, or friend you trust, is incredibly helpful in all stages of relationships.

Regardless of what stage of love you're in, you need to know the best way to say "I love you"!

Relationship = Hubungan Love = Cinta
Attraction = Daya tarik Partner = Pasangan
Stage = Tingkatan Heart = hati
Romantic = Romantis Gratitude = Terimakasih
Intimacy = Keintiman Personality = Kepribadian

Answer the following question with the correct answer:
1. Mention, and explain 3 stages of love in relationship with your own word.
2. What is the main idea in the 5th paragraph?
3. “it” in paragraph 5 line 15 refers to . . .
4. The word “intimacy” has same meaning with . . .
5. The antonym of word “love” . . .
6. What did you get after read this passage ?

Jumat, 25 Mei 2012


Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Psychology


Psychology is the study of the mind, occurring partly via the study of behavior. Grounded in scientific method, psychology has the immediate goal of understanding individuals and groups by both establishing general principles and researching specific cases, and for many it ultimately aims to benefit society. In this field, a professional practitioner or researcher is called a psychologist, and can be classified as a social scientist, behavioral scientist, or cognitive scientist. Psychologists attempt to understand the role of mental functions in individual and social behavior, while also exploring the physiological and neurobiological processes that underlie certain cognitive functions and behaviors.
Psychologists explore such concepts as perception, cognition, attention, emotion, phenomenology, motivation, brain functioning, personality, behavior, and interpersonal relationships. Psychologists of diverse stripes also consider the unconscious mind. Psychologists employ empirical methods to infer causal and correlational relationships between psychosocial variables. In addition, or in opposition, to employing empirical and deductive methods, some—especially clinical and counseling psychologists—at times rely upon symbolic interpretation and other inductive techniques. Psychology incorporates research from the social and natural sciences, and from the humanities, such as philosophy.
While psychological knowledge is often applied to the assessment and treatment of mental health problems, it is also applied to understanding and solving problems in many different spheres of human activity. The majority of psychologists are involved in some kind of therapeutic role, practicing in clinical, counseling, or school settings. Many do scientific research on a wide range of topics related to mental processes and behavior, and typically work in university psychology departments or teach in other academic settings. Some are employed in industrial and organizational settings, or in other areas such as human development and aging, sports, health, and the media, as well as in forensic analysis and other aspects of law.

Behavior= Perilaku.                        Explore= Menyelidiki.
Method= Metode.                          Relationship= Hubungan.
Researcher= Peneliti.                      Interpretation= Interpretasi.
Attempt= Usaha.                            Assessment= Penilaian.
Scientist= Ilmuwan.                        Scientific= Ilmiah.

Answer the following question with the correct answer:
1.    What is psychology?
2.    What we call for the professional practitioner in psychology?
3.    What the psychologist do in their job?
4.    What is the main idea in the second paragraph?
5.    “It” in paragraph 3 line 16 refers to . . .
6.    What is the synonym of “professional” in the first paragraph?
7.   What is the antonym of “different” in the last paragraph?